Translation, transcreation, proofreading and quality assurance from German and English to Swedish.
Let me convey your message and reach your Swedish audience.
Sometimes it’s best to have direct contact with the language professional who will be working with your material. That way you can be sure to convey your needs and wishes so no important information gets lost in what is often a long chain of middlemen before the material gets to the translator. But finding freelancers for the job can be difficult and time-consuming, especially finding two who can work together seamlessly to provide you with a translated, proofed and quality-assured product.
Elisabeth and I specialise in the same fields and have collaborated on many projects over the past eight years. We have extensive experience of localisation of e-commerce solutions. Together, we have nearly 30 years of experience, and one key reason that our partnership is so successful is that we complement each other: Elisabeth’s excellent feel for grammar and details and my linguistic creativity and ingenuity. We are well familiar with one another’s working methods, strengths, weaknesses and verbal skills and we work together smoothly and seamlessly to offer our customers uncompromising quality.
In practice, we divide up your project between us based on what is best for this particular job. As a rule, one translates and the other proofreads. You can choose to have us invoice you jointly or separately.
We both have access to a small, stable network of experienced, knowledgeable freelance colleagues with different language combinations and areas of expertise, whom we can call on as needed. This allows us to take on even large projects with tight deadlines. Elisabeth’s experience as a project leader is a real boon in these assignments.
Skip the costly middlemen and communicate your wishes directly to the translator and proofreader.
You’ll get the same product as you would with an agency – a proofed and quality-assured translation – but at a lower price.
Results are important to you and you want a creative, correct, quality-assured translation that reflects your company and works for your target group. Through direct contact and continuous collaboration, we get to know your company and your terminology, which ensures high-quality copy.
With our many years of collaboration, we work smoothly and seamlessly together, which saves you time and money. We have extensive experience of an array of technological solutions and the market’s best translation tools for terminology management and specialist knowledge.
You want to be able to communicate directly with the translators to be sure that no important information is lost along the way and that they understand what you want. Skip those long chains of middlemen and communicate directly with the language professional working on your project.
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